Wednesday, 12 March 2014

model questions

Paper II: Psychology of Development and Learning
Time: Two Hours                                                                  Maximum: 50 Marks
Part A
Answer all questions.
Choose the correct answer. Each question carries 1 mark
1.    Which of the following statement is correct
a.      Educational Psychology is the science of behavior
b.      Introspection is the right method to study the behavior of a child
c.       Experimental method in Psychology do not control variables
d.      One of the aims of Educational Psychology is to measure student behavior
2.    The concept of metacognition includes learners' knowledge and beliefs regarding their own cognitive processes, as well as their attempts to regulate those cognitive processes to
a.      Minimize learning and memory
b.      Maximize learning only
c.       Maximize learning and memory
d.      Minimize memory only

3.    Sensation and perception is mostly concerned with
a.      Behaviourists
b.      Constructivists
c.       Cognitivists
d.      Physiologists
4.    Which among the following is not a precondition for learning?
a.      Maturation
b.      Attention
c.       Readiness
d.      Concepts
5.    Socio cultural context in learning is emphasized by
a.      Noam Chomsky
b.      David Ausubel
c.       Robert M. Gagne
d.      Lev Vygotsky
6.    The ability to deal with hypothetical concepts emerges at which stage of development.
a.      Concrete operational stage.
b.      Formal operational stage.
c.       Intuitive stage.
d.      Pre operational stage.
7.    A teacher selects certain kinds of learning experiences by exploring the natural tendency of children. Which factor is most relevant here?
a.      Achievement motivation
b.      Intrinsic motivation
c.       Extrinsic motivation
d.      Level of aspiration
8.    Select the person who stated- “Adolescence is a period of Stress and strain storm and strife”.
a.       Elizabeth Hurlock.
b.      Erickson.
c.       Piaget.
d.      Stanley Hall.
9.    According to discovery approach, a preoperational child possess which mode of representation
a.      Enactive
b.      Iconic
c.       Symbolic
d.      Behavioural

10.   A child who excel in drawing and designing may be dominant in:
a.       Logical mathematical intelligence
b.      Interpersonal intelligence
c.       Spatial intelligence
d.      Bodily kinesthetic intelligence

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (10X1= 10 Marks)
Part B
Answer all questions. Each question carries 2 marks
(The answer need not exceed one paragraph)

11. Write any two advantages of learning Educational Psychology.
12. Identity crisis is a major problem of adolescence Substantiate based on the theory of Erickson
13. Explain achievement motivation.
14. Distinguish between thinking and reasoning.
15. With suitable examples explain developmental tasks.
                                                                                          (5X2= 10 Marks)
Part C
Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 marks
(The answer need not exceed 1 ½  pages)

16.  Write any five strategies for teaching a topic of your choice based on the theory of information processing approach
17. Explain the factors affecting learning with special reference to adolescents.
18. Compare the cognitive and constructive approaches in learning
19. Illustrate the concept of action research.
20. Write the contributions of Lewin’s theory
21. Learning takes place from concrete to abstract. How far do you agree with the statement by elaborating the theory of Piaget?
                                                                                                            (4X5= 20 Marks)
Part D
Answer any one question. The question carries 10 marks
(The answer need not exceed 3 pages)

22.   Explain motivation from a humanistic view point. As a secondary school teacher, illustrate how you will motivate your children?
23. Write a critical analysis of the various theories of development.
                                                                                                            (1X10= 10 Marks)

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