Thursday, 19 December 2013

internal test- sample test

the question set consists of 25 questions. five of them are given here.

Sree Narayana Training College, Nedunganda

Internal Examination, December 2103

EDU02: Psychology of Development and Learning
Time: 25 minutes                                                                                 Max Marks: 25

Choose the correct answer

1.      Of the following, who is associated with the Gestalt school of psychology?
a.       Ivan Pavlov
b.      B.F. Skinner
c.       C. Max Wertheimer
d.      J.B. Watson
2.      "I am primarily interested in thinking processes; I am a __________ psychologist."
a.       Cognitive
b.      Behaviourist
c.       Structuralist
d.      Functionalist
3.      The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" is represented by which of the following?
a.       Behaviourist
b.      Structuralist
c.       Gestalt Psychologist
d.      Humanist
4.      Which of the following is a definition of Educational Psychology?
a.       Science of education
b.      Science of behaviour
c.       Science of teacher and learner
d.      Study of learning experiences
5.      The goals of Psychology are:
a.       Explain the functioning of the human mind.
b.      Compare, analyze, and control human behaviour
c.       Describe, predict, understand, and control behavior.

d.      develop effective methods of psychotherapy

student seminars

suggestions for seminars

Seminars – group wise (5 students)
Ø  Leadership
Ø  Preparation
Ø  Report
Ø  Presentation
Ø  Resources used
Ø  Application of Psychology
Ø  Methods of Psychology
Ø  Application of Piaget’s theory
Ø  Application of Erickson’s theory
Ø  Adolescent Characteristics
Ø  Childhood characteristics
Ø  Modern theories of development
Ø  MCQ  preparation
Ø  Method and task variables
Ø  Behaviourism: contributions
Ø  Cognitivism: contributions
Ø  Constructivism: contributions
Ø  Motivation: Strategies
Ø  Memory techniques
Ø  Transfer of learning

Monday, 2 December 2013

Unit I- Suggestions

teacher educators can include the schools of psychology while explaining the methods of psychology.
eg: Introspection -structuralism
observation- behaviourism
experimental method- functionalism, gestalt psychology, cognitive psychology,  etc.
case study- humanism

seminars- scope of psychology, application of psychology in education etc.

reflective practices- application of theoretical concepts - possibilities and suggestions


Sunday, 24 November 2013

revised curriculum

Dear teacher educators
Accept the changes in curricular transaction towards a process oriented approach.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

curriculum workshop

upcoming event
one day workshop on revised curriculum in Physical Education
contact Dr. K.K. Venu, Dean, Faculty of Physical Education & Core committee convener

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Teacher Educator

please see the pages of blog for the proposed time schedule for the new academic year 

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

workshop on revised curriculum

sntc has convened a workshop on 5th November 2013 on revised curriculum. comments can be posted 


inviting articles for publication